Yaku Yuujou Dangi is an Japan only PlayStation game released in 1996. It was follow by sequel Noroi No Game. North American release from Northwood Interactive was plan under name Misfortune but was cancelled.
Yuujou Dangi is 1 person perspective adventure game in which play as AAAA and friend young girl that decide to enter mysterious mansion 1 night, and as soon as they arrive there, they become separated and start to go around mansion and strange things and horrible creatures.
Play controls both characters at begin of game and adventure of each character will advance in way or another depending on play choices boy is 1 option to choose in main menu of adventure and girl 2 option.
There are also multiple stories. AAAA and Kanna story are available right off bat. However, Kyoko has to be unlocked 1 by beating either AAAA or Kanna story
Northwood Interactive was originally going to publish game along with Noroi No Game outside Japan where it would be title Misfortune in North America. However, when they found game too dark and frightening, they canceled NA release of game.
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