Victorious Evilsim, better known as his nickname Vio, is the main antagonist of the Gabriel Garza franchise, and is Gabriel's arch-nemesis. He is a ruthless, mean-spirited, cruel, sadistic, greedy, selfish supervillain who is the most dangerous and evil enemy in Sinking Spring. He is also obsessed with world domination and wants to rule Sinking Spring. He is voiced by Jim Cummings.
He is a Red-Haired 20-Year-Old young Supervillain Man who always Dominates the World, also, he is the Main Antagonist from Crystal Light Precure, in the Episode 1, Gabriel´s First Ability, Vio makes a debut appearance and kidnapping Zina Supermoon, later in the Episode 7, Vio reveals to become a New Protagonist from the Crystal Light Squad.
Gingo Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Vio which can be found at Vio/Gallery.