The Colors of Evil is a 2012 3D computer animated fantasy comedy short film directed by Alyse Miller and Phillip Simon (in their directional debuts) and produced at Ringling College of Art and Design. The short film tells the story of a goth girl who tries to get her hands on a schoolmate with a pink, friendly demon.
The film has garnered critical acclaim from critics and gained 19 million views when it was first uploaded to YouTube. As a result of the short film, both Miller and Simon were given jobs at Universal Animation Studios and Gingo Animation, respectively.
Children often pick on one another, but Vivian has had enough. After being tormented on a daily basis by her schoolmate Nancy, Vivian uses her knowledge of the dark arts to summon a demon servant who'll do her bidding. However, her ritual produces unexpected results.
- Victoria Fragnito as Nancy
Reception and legacy[]
The film has received critical acclaim and reached almost 20 million views when the film was published to YouTube in 2012. Because of this, both Miller and Simon are working at Universal Animation Studios and Gingo Animation respectively. Miller has worked on both Gabriel Garza 2 and Paradoria, respectively.
- The poster for the short film is a parody of the Horton Hears a Who! poster.
- Nancy is the only speaking character in this short.
External links[]
- Official website
- The Colors of Evil at the Internet Movie Database